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Hızlı Proxy Değiştirici Icon_mini_portal_enAnasayfaRADYOSon görsellerKayıt OlGiriş yap


 Hızlı Proxy Değiştirici

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Mesaj Sayısı : 476
Yaş : 33
Nerden : BURSA
Kayıt tarihi : 21/01/08

Hızlı Proxy Değiştirici Empty
MesajKonu: Hızlı Proxy Değiştirici   Hızlı Proxy Değiştirici Icon_minitimeSalı Ocak 22, 2008 11:33 am

Hızlı Proxy Değiştirici D8457cfd85cdfd42219be4c6105676d4437d9f67_346
FastProxySwitch 3.2 | 2.31 MB

FastProxySwitch will save a lot of your valuable time in case if:
* You often turn on/off your VPN;
* You're using laptop in several networks with different proxy settings;
* You wish to access anonymously websites at work or home;
* You utterly want to access the websites, which are restricted by your unholy IT department;
* You are feeling safe while anonymously surfing the web.

FastProxySwitch allows you:
* To enable and disable (Direct connection) proxy;
* Change proxy settings with only several clicks;
* Store your frequently used proxy settings;
* Use the automatic configuration script;
* Automatically activate proxy settings;

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